His name was Roman Herman.
It seems that the latest fad in Rome back then was berries. People started collecting berries and displaying them, showing them off and entering them in fairs and pie making contests and such. Berries became THE status symbol for the upwardly mobile Roman.
Well, one day, while Roman Herman was roaming the outskirts of Rome, he spied this ginormous berry. It was beautiful. It was the most beautiful berry Roman Herman had ever seen - all fat and juicy and plump. So, anyway, he picked the berry, tucked it under his toga and brought it home to his wife. The woman squealed when she saw that berry. She praised it cause she knew the girls down at the bath house was gonna be just green with envy..
She put her hands on her hips and said "That's an awful nice berry you got there Herman!"
It didn't take long for word to get around about the berry. Pretty soon people were coming from all over Rome to see the berry, and to praise it. Roman Herman took the berry to the Roman county fair and he won first prize. He took his trophy and his berry home and put it up on the mantel so people could see the berry when they came by for a visit and they could praise the berry right there in the living room.
Well, one dark night, there was a knock on the door. It was late, but Mr. and Mrs Herman were getting used to all the fuss because of the berry, so Roman Herman opened up the door.
There standing in the doorway were three Roman Senators, Brutus, Cassius and Mark. They elected for Mark to speak for them and he stepped forward.
"Friend, Roman and Countryman," Mark announced. "We have heard of your magnificent berry and come representing the senate of Rome."
"Hoo, boy," said Herman feeling kind of flattered. "Have you come to praise my berry?" he asked.

*The only way you'll get that joke is if you had to memorize Mark Anthony's funeral oration in Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar, when you were in 9th grade lit class. This joke slays 'em at writer's groups and gatherings of unemployed English majors. I'm sorry, but there are so few really good jokes about berries......
I heard that joke in 1960 or 61; it's not from Flip Wilson. He heard it and repeated it, and seems to get credit for it.
That is an old old joke, well past its sell-by date by the time Flip got hold of it. He just did the best version of it to date.
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