Read this again today. Sheila was with him during his final illness providing care. His wife is her cousin. Sheila learned a lot about Loyde and I put together this compilation of this brave Marine's poetry and stories about him for his memorial. I posted it online as a PDF file and from 5 to 7 people a week drop by to read it. Loyde should have got the Medal of Honor, but the Lieutenant who wrote the commendation and recommendation was killed a day or two later.
There are some dates and things in the news articles and tributes to Loyde by men who knew and respected him. At some point I'd like to publish this. I'll correct the couple of errors made by friends of his.
Here's a link to his very excellent poetry - a tribute I put together for Loyde and to all the men who served in Vietnam.
© 2016 By Tom King and Loyde "Snake" Arender