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Monday, May 18, 2020

Does Anyone Else Have a Dream?

I was watching an episode of Right Angle the other day.  In it, Bill Whittle pointed out that America is the only nation in the world that has a dream.  There is no Chinese Dream, no Italian Dream, no British Dream, no Russian dream not even an Indian Dream in a land where mysticism rules. There is only The American Dream.

You could define the American Dream as having the opportunity to work hard, build something for yourself that is yours and nobody else's, to raise a family and to have some fun along the way. That's pretty much it. It's a plain and simple dream, but it's only possible in a nation where the state serves its people rather than the people serving the state. Even the one nation closest in philosophy to our own - Great Britain - It is by charter a nation which grants civil rights to it's people. Actually the queen is technically the one who bestows the blessings of liberty on her people.

In America, we the people let some duly elected officials pretend to be in charge of us, but in the end there's not a one of them we cannot depose without violence, bloodshed or even a great big effort. All we have to do is vote out any of the bums we don't like. I rather think we don't do that often enough, but it's there if one of them gets too big for his or her britches and pisses us off!

There is only one other nation that I can think of that can be said to have a coherent dream. Their dream is very similar to the American Dream. That nation is Mexico and their dream is to get across the border into America and have the opportunity to work hard, build something for themselves that is theirs and nobody else's, to raise a family and to have some fun along the way. That's pretty much their dream and it's a carbon copy of our own.

I love the scene above from "Born in East LA". Wouldn't it be grand if all these guys were educated, English-speaking, Republicans. And one day Democrats were to look up to see thousands of Mexicans with job prospects, green cards and and the autobiography of Ronald Reagan tucked under their arms, coming over the hills and already signed up to vote Republican! It might look something like this. If it didn't I would certainly organize something like this just to get them all in the mood to be an American!!!!

I think we should get organized and let everyone of those folks who dream of America come on in. Not illegally, but legally. If they are not doing well in Mexico, we should provide a way for them to learn the English language. Perhaps we could host free pre-migration English language classes in our embassies and consulates all over Mexico. Offer online or correspondence classes so that at least everyone who crosses has a basic education and maybe some technical certification so they can get a job. If Mexico is going to bleed off its surplus population, let's help them do that, only let's take the best of their people, the ones that were born Americans in their hearts, even though they might have grown up oppressed and impoverished. We need people with a work ethic, who are willing to work at it.

Heck, we could even trade some hard-working Mexicans for some of these worthless snowflakes of ours that are a drag on the system. Set them on the beaches in Cancun and put them on the "no-fly" list so they can't get back. It would be a kind of exchange student program. We take one Hispanic immigrant and we drop off a snowflake in his or her place. One rule though. If the immigrants don't learn anything they go back home (or in the case of the snowflakes, if they don't learn anything they stay there).

The Republican Party should offer potential Mexican immigrants to the US an orientation program in consulates in the border towns and at the immigration check points. The classes would explain how we share their values of family, the sanctity of life, freedom of religion and opportunity. Can you imagine what a howl we'd hear from our leftist friends in the Democrat Party?  We should just do it quietly and don't tell Pelosi and Schumer until we've imported a couple of million or so Republican Hispanic immigrants and it's too late.

We might even get Ted Cruz and Dan Crenshaw elected president and vice-president.
It could happen. Bring some muy macho into the White House. We should at least write a bill and some funding to create real live freedom loving, fire-breathing, educated and trained out of the folk Everett McKinley Dirksen called "your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free..." Several dozen teachers assigned to our embassies and consulates in Central America could generate for us an ambitious, hard-working shot in the arm for our culture which day by day is being degraded by progressivism trained lazy victim culture. We are getting some of that kick in the economic pants from stray born-to-be Americans coming from India and China and other places where they have schools worth their salt. What fun that would be if we could help our Mexican neighbors, who dream even more desperately of coming to el Norte, to find their way to the home that should be theirs!

© by Tom King