April 13: I Stumbled Into Daisies
*I Stumbled Into Daisies*
Hiking to the mailbox this morning in the fog,
I cut across a meadow, misty and hazy
And stumbled on a clump of grass
Done Stopped Preachin'
A Louisiana grandmother sat in the aisle seat located on the right
side halfway between the front and back rows of her small Baptist church.
Against Principalities and Powers
*As noted poet/philosopher Bob Dylan once observed, "The Times They Are
A'Changing." * And I'm not talking about the news. I had an uncomfortable
ride h...
Upsetting the Sanhedrin
*It's been a while since I've written anything on this weblog.* There's a
reason for that. I haven't trusted myself to comment on the sorts of
Jalapeno Popper Cheese Dip
This stuff is delicious. It’s not very hot at all and you can cut the
amount of jalepeno in the mix or add more depending on your ability to
tolerate hot...
Is " Solo" Maligned by Star Wars Fans Unfairly
I just rewatched "Solo". Star Wars fans set up a howl about that movie. I
heard it from the usual prissy Star Wars Fans, It didn't have Harrison Ford
in ...
...and Sometimes No
*This is another one of those songs that make me go for the handkerchief
(albeit a manly bandana sort of one).* I can remember heart searing
prayers, t...
How I Saved My Dying Hard Drive
I've got this 13 year-old 320 GB Seagate hard drive that has been my D:
drive in my 3rd computer now. It's venerable to say the least. The power
out here i...
Sci-Fi Series Gone Too Soon
*Why doesn't more good sci-fi survive on TV?* *TV networks suck at managing
science fiction shows.* There is a reason. They keep hiring "professional"
Given Elphaba Thropp (aka The Wicked Witch of the West) and her difficult relationship with H2O, one wonders if she ever gets thirsty and how she would deal with that issue.