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Saturday, May 01, 2021

Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient, Oh My!

One of the most stunning and revelatory things I have learned about God in my lifetime is the idea that God exist across all dimensions of time and space. It explains so much if God exists outside of our 3 dimensional world and of the 4th dimensional world where the angels live (what Paul called the higher or spiritual plane). 

 If God is outside time and space then He sees the past and future at the same time. He's not looking into the future, He's looking AT the future. It explains how he can hear ten million prayers at the same instance. If He is outside of time then he can attend to each prayer as though you were the only living thing in the universe in private audience with the Almighty. 

Now THAT is an understanding about God that will shake your world. It explains how he can make all things work together for good on your behalf and why we don't always understand what God is doing. 

We can't see the end of a string of events and how the future will unfold as a result of something inexplicable that happens to us. God on the other hand does see the utter ends of our histories, even as He is guiding events today in our best interest, even if what He causes or allows is uncomfortable for us in the here and now. He knows how it all turns out.

God is basically writing the script of our lives (if we allow him to) and like a writer, He crafts the events of our lives to create a story and, in His case, one with a happy ending.
. If we don't allow Him to do that, then we inevitably write our own story or allow less kindly spirits to write that story. 

And I'm here to tell you those less than kindly spirits walking up and down the Earth are post-modernists to the core. Essentially, post modernists believe that stuff happens and then you die. Life is meaningless and cruel and you can't do much about it. It's a hopeless philosophy and given the ending waiting for those spirits, it's little wonder that they would embrace and attempt to promote such a grim and hopeless sort of story-telling.

Romans 8:

27 And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  

29 For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.

This passage doesn't mean God picks and chooses who He will save and who will be lost. It means that if you choose to put your faith in God, He then, makes all things work together for good on your behalf. Nothing arbitrary about that. You choose. That God because of His pan-dimensional nature can see the consequences of your choosing does NOT mean you don't choose. Actually it means that choosing the path of faith is the only way you can choose a happy ending to your own story because the Almighty makes sure it all comes out right.

When we receive eternal life and evil is blotted out for all time, we will look back and wonder at the myriad ways God brought us through.

Tom King
© 2021


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