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Sunday, March 07, 2021

Cancel Culture Goes After Thoreau

It seems they're out to cancel Henry David Thoreau's Walden experiment now. Evidently he came to the wrong conclusions, so he must not actually have done the experiment right. How else can you explain that he believed one should live simply and deliberately, self-sufficient and independent. Those are not "progressive" values. In today's "Art of Manliness", Brett and Kay McKay discuss Thoreau's landmark work and what it means for today's men (and women for that matter)."

Thoreau wanted to demonstrate that it was possible to “live a primitive and frontier life — though in the midst of an outward civilization.” He wanted to show that recovering a bit of wildness didn’t require complete separation from society.  - Brett & Kay McKay

Today's Progressive Marxist collectivists could never tolerate that sort of thinking among the proletariat. People who live deliberately, who practice self-reliance and independence, don't make good socialist workers. So Thoreau must be sacrificed on the altar of post-modern collectivism.

I knew there was something I really liked about Thoreau, who was, by the way, an old school liberal like the founding fathers. He believed in equality and all those pesky freedoms that gum up the works of the efficiently run collective state. If Marx had ever read Thoreau, he'd likely have been very unhappy with his work.

Look for Henry David on the library burn piles soon.

© 2021 by Tom King


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your defense of Thoreau. From my reading and understanding of Walden, the values demonstrated within it are the very opposite of the claims being made against him. I will always appreciate his work and the spirit which he brought to his life and his writing, trying to make real sense of, to continually uncover the roots of, this complex existence. I think his contributions to the realm of independent thought are even more valuable within our current societal conditions. Maybe one day we will be thanking cancel-culture for bringing attention to, and unintentionally reinvigorating interest/awareness in, the principles that people need to get through this period of time.

Tom King said...

Thank you for your comment. Cancel culture hates thinking not subservient to the collective. Reminds me of how the jock/cheerleader clique in high school demanded you submit to their opinions, like who they like, hate who they hate and above all, worship the alpha males and females.

I do not hold to that. I aim to misbehave.
